比瑟奴完全替代通用型阀门润滑 Clare GP Valve lubricant免费样品测试

更新时间: 2024-05-04 09:14:07
品牌: 比瑟奴
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 福建 厦门市
有效期至: 长期有效
浏览次数: 41

比瑟奴(厦门)润滑油有限公司是瑞典比瑟奴(PSEINU)特种润滑研究院有限公司在中国的总部,也是瑞典比瑟奴 (PSEINU)特种润滑系列产品在中国的总代理。我们主营各种润滑,并能够提供样品测试,成功替代各大品牌。欢迎来点咨询型号。

瑞典比瑟奴(Pseinu)是北欧较大的特种油生产商公司我们以“润滑世界,奔向未来”为企业使命,为客户提供佳的润滑方案。比瑟奴是北欧较大的特种油生产商,拥有超过90年的润滑油行业专业知识,总部位于马尔默市。1881年瑞典皇家理工大学(KTH)博士奥尔森·亚尔维斯(Bengtsson) 组建了(Pseinu)润滑研究所,主要研究高压和高剪切弹性流体动力学(EHD)条件下润滑剂的分子行为,并结合摩擦学,流变学,流体力学,化学,物理和材料科学。先后开发了能够航空润滑以及汽车零部件装配润滑,目标是通过有效的润滑使机器更环保,更,更可靠。

比瑟奴完全替代通用型阀门润滑 Clare GP Valve lubricant免费样品测试

      OIL & GAS

Regain and Maintain Wellhead Gate Valve Integrity

RS Clare's high performance Valve Lubricants are used in many of the world's major Oil and Gas fields and are field proven to deliver cost effective integrity improvement measures.

Maintained integrity of Xmas Tree Gate Valves = Maximised production

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The integrity of well head pressure control valve equipment is a very important aspect of upstream field operati, ensuring the equipment works correctly, at all times.  The selection & application of the correct gate valve cavity lubricant is proven to influence significantly the sustained integrity of gate valves, or regaining integrity which has been lost.


RS Clare's range of premium valve lubricants can be used for lubrication and sealing of gate valves and plug valves.  Operators can standardise on one lubricant product for all wellhead and downstream flow control equipment with gate and plug valves installed.


Xmas Trees - Production & Injection

Frac Trees

Drilling Operati:

- Choke & Kill and Standpipe Manifolds

- BOP Choke & Kill Valves

Well Test Operati:

- Flow manifolds


- Test Trees

- Sand filters

- Heat Exchangers

- Separators

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